Meditation: Connect With Your Heart

Allow yourself to come to a comfortable seated position….Finding stillness…..Maybe you soften your gaze or close your eyes….Begin to bring your attention to your breath. ​

Taking three deep, full breaths (Pause). ​

Maybe now, you bring your awareness to your spirituality (Pause), become aware of your connection to your loved ones (Pause),your connection with others, (Pause) with nature (Pause)…..your connection to a higher power(Pause); feel for those connections within your heart-space (Pause)….notice how those connections affect your presence in this moment  (Pause). ​

Notice your levels of connection with people, nature, (pause) Higher Power(Pause)….are you as connected as you would like?  (Pause) Imagine that you are achieving the level of spiritual connection you desire(Long pause).​.....

Now, notice the spaces within where you are feeling calmer, (pause) and centered (Pause) ​

Coming back to this very moment,  take a deep breath to be present in this class. ​

Please open your eyes, wiggle your fingers. ​

Allow yourself to be relaxed, focused , and ready to engage. ​


Meditation: One-minute Centering


Meditation: Intention to Observe the Present Moment