Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


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Meditation Retreats in Europe & Asia


Styles of Retreat:

  • Mindfulness Meditation

  • Vipassana Meditation

  • Buddhist Meditation

  • General Meditation

  • Hindu Meditation

  • Kriya Meditation

  • Mantra Meditation

  • Qigong Meditation

  • Tantra Meditation

  • Vedic Meditation


  • anywhere in Europe

  • Spain

  • United Kingdom

  • anywhere in Asia & Oceania

  • Cambodia

  • Thailand

  • Nepal

  • India


  • 3 to 7 days

  • 1 to 2 weeks

  • more than 2 weeks

Price per trip:

  • From US $117 to US $352

  • From US $352 to US $1,057

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EAMBA- European Associates for Mindfulness


About: “The EAMBA network was founded in August 2010 to facilitate dialogue and collaboration between national associations of teachers of MBSR and MBCT and other evidence-based secular mindfulness programs across Europe.

As associations in all participating countries are in different phases – from newly established to present for a number of years, and everything in between – EAMBA is a network in development. The yearly European meetings are meant as a forum for support and exchange about mindfulness teaching and training, with a focus a.o. on best practices, standards and criteria.”

  • EAMBA Teachers’ Festival:

    -annual non-scientific conference organized and presented by teachers of mindfulness-based approaches

    -online summer festival

    -two-day program for mindfulness teachers, practitioners, and people interested in learning about mindfulness

    -festivals focus will be experimental and practice-and-skill based

  • EAMBA Retreat:

    -Breaking free of habits

    -a silent mindfulness retreat

    -can be followed live in Germany and online

    -transforming habits into positive functions

  • Offers meditation online with membership


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Mindfulness In Spain:


“Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmental to things as they are.”

  • Mindfulness is a technique that teaches you a different way of how to live; which is based on the fact that we all are able to contact a sense of calm and clarity when things are difficult.

  • Mindfulness is a way of learning how to relate things directly to what is happening in your life and how to take charge of it.

  • It is working with your stress, anxiety, pain, illness and the challenges you face in everyday life.